Get more results, call us +55 61 2196-8000
"Headquartered in Brasília, an office in São Paulo and several offices, we have a base installed in public agencies and private companies in several cities of the country."
We provide solutions and services for Telecommunication Management and Electronic Document Processing.
Closed capital business corporation, founded in 1988, our business: telecom management, customers in financial and insurance services, healthcare, government and many other industries. Products installed in over 200 customers, among the largest and most reliable brazilian companies. Experienced professionals in best practices.
Know More PartnershipSeveral options to meet your demand...
Ideal for organizations that want to keep their team of professionals performing the operation and are looking for a solution that does not require investment in technological infrastructure.
All services are performed at Telemikro's operations center and your company receives periodic reports and analyzes monthly.
Your company purchases the license to use the TEMControle for perpetual use, in a non-exclusive and non-transferable character.
"Installation and implementation of solutions, integrations and customizations, knowledge transfer, assisted operation and technical support. We have a team ready!"
+55 (61) 2196-8000 or +55 (11) 3323-1988
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